Sunday, July 25, 2010

Brewing Report: Boulder Beer Company

The next round of drinks in the Brewing Report series are from the The Boulder Beer Company in Boulder, Colorado. This brewery labels itself Colorado's first micro-brewery and in 2009 celebrated its 30th anniversary. We were lucky enough to sample three of their beers.

Sweaty Betty Blonde - Our first reaction to sampling this beer was "Oh! This is so good!! " The  inviting aroma gives way to a slight sweetness from the unfiltered wheat. It is incredibly refreshing and smooth.  This is the best summer beer we have tasted yet.

Flashback India style Brown ale - This is an interesting  riff on pale ale.  However, I love the malty goodness of a brown ale and the hops bitterness just ruins this beer for me.  The beer can’t figure out what it wants to be.

Mojo India Pale Ale -  This is a lovely IPA with the great hops flavor that avoids a sharp bitterness. It has a slight fruity taste and a smooth finish.

This brewery has a lot more beers to sample. We have added Boulder to our must-visit list so we can be sure to taste them all. Cheers!


  1. Can't wait until you make it out to Boulder!

  2. I must respectfully disagree with your take on Flashback; it knows EXACTLY what it wants to be, which is a hopped up brown ale (or a brown IPA), you just didn't care for it. That's fine, Boulder Beer makes a wide variety of beers, and you liked the other two...Have you tried Hazed & Infused?

    The first Great American Beer Festival had 40 beers. Last year there were over 75 categories of beer. How does this happen? Craft breweries experimenting with new ideas and styles. I imagine in five years there will be a category for this style. Thanks for trying and reviewing our beers!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think Dan makes a good point. My dislike of the Brown Pale Ale may be more a symptom of my dislike of this type of beer than an indication of the quality of the beer that Boulder produces. And I do appreciate the creativity of trying new ideas and styles.
